Game / Data-AI: Find your customer problem

Are you rocking a startup idea that's both repeatable and scalable, fueled by the power of Data Science and AI? Eager to unveil your ideal customer and assess the problem's scale? Look no further the 'Game' module within the Startup Readiness Program is tailored for Data-AI startups like yours!

About the program

Embark on a transformative journey, dive into the art of customer conversations to gain true insights. Our program is hands-on, interactive, and designed with simple concepts in mind, backed by personalized coaching. Guiding you are experts from the thriving Brabant startup network.


As you step into the Startup Readiness Program, clarity about your primary customer segment awaits. Ongoing validation is key. Plus, you'll unlock a thriving startup ecosystem and connect with fellow passionate entrepreneurs. For your commitment. Attend wholeheartedly and complete assignments between sessions. Seats are limited, so when you enroll in the Game module (with selection criteria), we're counting on your full dedication to seize this opportunity.

"Applying the knowledge from the program to my own case learned me a lot about my potential customers and hearing from the others how they executed it, helped me to learn from their experiences."

Wouter Witteman | Startup Suweve

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